Here is the story of Brigite, a transsexual woman, a model and entrepreneur who fights for the rights of transsexuals. She lives in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. It is a documentary about the acceptance and tolerance of the Filipino society, an ultra fervent Catholic society, towards transsexual women. There is a huge number of transsexual women in the Philippines. Before colonization (three centuries ago) the shamans of the villages used to dress up as women. It was therefore normal at the time to disguise oneself : women had specific powers. When the Spaniards arrived, they made the Philippines a Catholic country and wiped out all the ancestral practices of the Filipinos. Following the departure of the colonists, the Americans occupied the country. The Filipinos took the United States as a model. At this time, the LGBTIS+ movement began. Filipinos have started to assume their homosexuality and transsexuality. What seemed surprising to us is, on the one hand, the great Catholic fervor this country shows, and on the other hand, the fairly large number of transsexuals. But the transsexual women have only access to professions related to fashion, beauty and aesthetics. It is very complicated for them to access other types of work than dancer, prostitute, hairdresser….